Hayespitality 2.0: Work Life After the Pandemic

What a year it has been! I’d be pretty psyched if I never heard. the word Zoom again, if I’m being honest. That being said, the lack of in-person events, caused so many of us to work harder to connect digitally. In that vein, I used my time wisely. While juggling 4 kids and our industry closing up, I leaned into my work with HSMAI Boston and worked with and for so many awesome companies. With all the challenges, comes clarity. And I’m thrilled to have landed back into consulting. Here’s what up to and how I can help:

Events are coming back! Save money and time by getting rid of your legacy Sales & Catering systems and embrace iVvy. Having worked for Newmarket/Amadeus, Tripleseat and iVvy, I can help you navigate your decision and implementation.

Electric Scooters are an innovative and quiet way to navigate golf courses and resorts. I’ve also helped people start up rental shops. Reach out to me with any questions or for the latest Phat Scooters pricing.

Contactless technology and digital tipping are being embraced by hotels by necessity. As an early employee of Intelity and as someone who’s passionate about using technology to enhance the guest experience, it has been particularly gratifying to watch this functionality be adopted. If you need help deciding which technologies are worth it, please reach out to me.

Last but not least, I’ve finally figured out how to integrate my work and family life. I’m working with podcaster and influencer, Zibby Owens, for her Travel division and having a blast. Please join our online community, called, Moms Don’t Have Time to Travel. We are planning retreats and creating a Yelp for Moms and want your input! I also am doing some travel writing and editing so stay tuned for updates.

Please reach out and let me know what’s new with you and let’s work together to keep #hospitalitystrong and #hayespitality thrive.


Email me: jess@hayespitality.com

Follow me: Instagram, Linkedin, Twitter
